TEAM TN working groups advance our vision.

Working Groups
Tennessee Mobility Ecosystem

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Use-Inspired Research and Development (UIR)

Led by: Chief Operating Officer Kevin Heaslip, in collaboration with Co-PIs Mina Sartipi, Abhiskek Dubey and Sabya Mishra

Research and development (R&D) generates innovations that yield new products and services that make our lives and life better. This working group will explore the following real-world R&D challenges to generate use-inspired R&D outcomes and incentives for innovators to move technology from the lab to the marketplace.

Lighter, Safer, and More Efficient EV’s; Batteries, Faster and Secure Vehicle Charging, Transportation Cybersecurity Innovations, AI Informed Mobility for All, Ground Vehicle Automation and Transportation Informatics, Micromobility Solutions.

Technology Licensing and New Ventures

Led by: Chief Innovation Officer Robert Turner, in collaboration with Maha Krishnamurthy and Bryan Barringer

Developing strategies to support the rapid and effective translation of use inspired R&D outcomes to practice is essential to realize our vision. This working group will explore the following methods to increase translation of innovation into the marketplace:

Entrepreneurship training for hundreds of academic innovators annually, develop and implement best practice IP and data management models to streamline translation, substantially increase the number of high-quality invention disclosures produced and licenses issued by TEAM TN partners, source additional high-risk capital and substantially increase the number of high-growth companies recruited, incubated, and accelerated in Tennessee.

Workforce Development (WFD)

Led by: Chief Talent Officer Tachaka Hollins, in collaboration with Chief Community Evangelist, Jon Shefner, and Michael Torrence

TEAM TN is deeply committed to creating inclusive, accessible workforce development programs that meet the evolving needs of individuals, diverse urban and rural communities, and knowledge-based firms of all sizes. This working group will explore strategies to create a roadmap for success in the following areas:

Increase the number and diversity of students enrolling in and completing STEM programs at all levels (certificates and two-year, four-year, and graduate degrees), prepare graduates for advanced industry jobs in the state; develop learner-centered pathways to support the development, reskilling, and upskilling of workers and job seekers to ensure that all Tennesseans have access to sustainable innovation economy opportunities, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status; and provide students enrolled in STEM programs at all levels with the opportunity to develop AI and IT competencies to succeed in the mobility innovation economy.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

Led by: Barbara Scales, in collaboration with Chief Community Evangelist, Jon Shefner, and Joy Rich

The transition to the future mobility economy provides enormous opportunity to explore how electrification, automation, and digitization can help disadvantaged communities access jobs, services, and other benefits that they were previously cut off from. This working will explore and incorporate energy justice principles into our project design.

Additionally, this working group plays a key role in the production of TEAM TN’s Equity Action Plan that assesses current transportation challenges, burdens, hazards, and harms within Tennessee’s communities of color and low-income communities; makes concrete, data-driven recommendations to share benefits with and reduce burdens on these communities; and proposes new programs to mitigate the most pressing mobility challenges of our vulnerable populations.

Strategic Partnerships & Advancing Regional Innovation

Led by: Director of Communications & Marketing Cortney Piper, in collaboration with Marc Gibson

TEAM TN is a first-of-its-kind Tennessee coalition of nearly 90 education institutions; advanced industries; community and non-profit organizations; high-tech business incubators; accelerators and venture capital organizations; federal, state, and local government agencies; and economic development entities invested in the long-term economic advancement of Tennessee and the mutual and reciprocal benefits to its businesses, communities, and residents.

Developing strategies to sustain a strong innovation ecosystem of trusted and committed partners and constituents is critical to realizing our vision. This working group is responsible for creating, growing and sustaining a coalition that enables the success of our vision, including the exploration of place-based innovation strategies critical to both urban and rural communities