Technology Enabled 
Advanced Mobility

Program Description

TEAM TN is a partnership with the National Science Foundation and is an alliance of academics, industry, and technical societies, led by The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. TEAM TN seeks to place Tennessee in the vanguard of transportation electrification and digitization while reducing reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, and creating a more equitable transportation system. TEAM TN will create a self-sustaining innovation ecosystem where advanced industries and Tennessee communities thrive and will include a large and diverse array of innovation assets. 

Program Methodology
Tennessee Mobility Ecosystem

        Click on infograph for larger view.

Use-Inspired Research and Development (UIR)

  • Generate continuous streams of use-inspired R&D outcomes to foster advanced mobility industries, leveraging existing – and exploring the creation of new – open testbeds and facilities and facilities to support collaborative research, foster industry and community engagement, de-risk promising technologies, and explore mobility solutions at scale; and
  • Develop and implement new incentives and reward mechanisms for innovators and entrepreneurs to recognize and celebrate their contributions to use-inspired R&D and technology commercialization.
  • Development of technologies in the following areas:
    • Lighter, Safer, and More Efficient EV
    • More Efficient and Longer-lasting Batteries/Fuel Cells
    • Faster and Secure Vehicle Charging
    • Cybersecurity Innovation
    • AI Informed Mobility for All
    • Ground Vehicle Automation and Transportation Informatics

Technology Licensing and New Ventures

  • Provide entrepreneurship training for hundreds of innovators annually, engaging diverse communities of faculty and students at all TEAM TN colleges and universities;
  • Develop and implement best practice IP and data management models to streamline translation;
  • Substantially increase the (annual) number of high-quality invention disclosures produced and licenses issued by partners;
  • Source additional high-risk capital to serve a diverse community of Tennessee entrepreneurs in the ecosystem; and
  • Substantially increase the number of high-growth companies recruited, incubated, and accelerated in the ecosystem.

Workforce Development (WFD)

  • Increase the number of diverse Tennesseans completing STEM programs at all levels (certificates and two-year, four-year, and graduate degrees), preparing graduates for advanced industry jobs;
  • Increase the number of diverse out-of-state students enrolling in and completing Tennessee’s higher education STEM programs, preparing graduates for advanced industry jobs in the state;
  • Develop learner-centered pathways to support the development, reskilling, and upskilling of workers and job seekers to ensure that all Tennesseans have access to sustainable innovation economy opportunities, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status; and
  • Provide students enrolled in STEM programs at all levels with the opportunity to develop AI/IT competencies to succeed in the mobility innovation economy, KTI industries, and other sectors.

Ecosystem of Partners and Constituents (EPS)

  • Recruit and retain partners to the TEAM TN coalition across all sectors;
  • Develop and implement best practice ecosystem engagement models that identify and support shared values and support the development of a sustainable innovation ecosystem; and
  • Explore place-based innovation strategies critical to both urban and rural communities that support the co-location of TEAM TN partner and constituent organizations.

In The News

Teknovation Biz Article Photo

UTK leading new NSF-funded initiative focused on advancing technology-enabled mobility

Yesterday was a good news day for The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) and the Volunteer State. In an announcement Thursday from the National Science Foundation (NSF), a team led by UTK was one of 44 organizations that received up to $1 million each in the first-ever “NSF Regional Innovation Engines Development Awards” program. It was the only awardee in Tennessee and received the full funding for an effort in advanced mobility.


Knox News Sentinel article image

600 miles on a single charge? How Tennessee could shape the future of electric vehicles

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville is at the helm of a statewide coalition leveraging expertise in the public and private sectors to create lighter, safer, more efficient EVs – and supporting infrastructure – that can compete with gasoline-powered motor vehicles.


TEAM TN news

Congratulations to the NSF Engines Development Award winners!

The U.S. National Science Foundation’s Regional Innovation Engines, or NSF Engines, program catalyzes and fosters innovation ecosystems across the United States to:  Advance critical technologies like semiconductors, artificial intelligence, advanced wireless, and biotechnology; Address pressing national and societal challenges; Cultivate partnerships across industry, academia, government, nonprofits, civil society, and communities of practice; Promote and stimulate economic growth and job creation; and Spur regional innovation and talent.


TEAM TN news

UTC wins grant for tech mobility

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is one of 90 organizations within a statewide coalition that has been awarded a $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation for the state's Advancing Technology-Enabled Mobility Solutions program.

ATEMS-TN is an alliance of academics, industry and technical societies that is trying to position Tennessee to compete for up to $160 million in federal funding awarded in 2025 to implement their strategy.