TEAM TN members have the opportunity to shape the direction of the advanced mobility industry, enabling technologies and the workforce that supports it. As a member, you can join a network with industry leaders, world class researchers and community stakeholders who share a common vision to make Tennessee a global leader in advanced mobility. Members benefit from education and technology resources, networking opportunities, workforce development and more.

Membership Levels

Charter Levels

LevelMembership DuesInvestment TermCash RequirementMember Benefits
Cornerstone Member$1,000,000 up to 10 yrs. ($100k/year)50% Cash
  • Direct participation in governance of resources
  • Priority influence over R&D project selection
  • De-Risking and acceleration of technology development through project funding and collaboration
  • Access to education and workforce development programs developed to upskill and diversify the talent pool
  • Access to member content tools and IP through technology licenses
  • Access to educational content and R&D libraries
  • Ability to leverage cost-share
  • Rapid access to shared infrastructure
  • Networking events and increased visibility
  • Awareness of future local, state, and national needs and trends
  • Small business incubation
Tristar Member$750,000Up to 5 years ($150k/year)50% Cash
Summit Member$500,000Up to 3 years ($166k/year)50% Cash
Pioneer Member$250,000Up to 2 years ($125k/year)50% Cash
Plateau Member$50,000Annual50% Cash
Resource Member$250,000+AnnualPay Consortium FeeProvides Equipment and/or other resources in-kind that is valued at $250,000 or more to leverage access to R&D projects and participate in the project scope. Creates exposure to other members.

Consortium Levels

LevelOrganization TypeMembership DuesMember Benefits
Consortium Member
Large Organization
1,000 Employees or More
  • Members meetings and member-exclusive events
  • Technical project participation
  • Visibility through TEAM TN communications
  • Conference speaking opportunities
  • Inclusion in project road mapping exercises
  • Workforce development assets
  • Collaboration and networking through workshops, webinars, seminars and working group participation
Medium Sized Organization
Between 100 and 1,000 employees
Small/Medium Organization
50 to 100 employees
Small Organization
Fewer than 50 employees
Startups, New Founders and Supporting Orgs
Fewer than 20 employees/
no more than 5 years old
University/Academic/ Research InstitutionsFREE
Community College/Tech College/Workforce PartnerFREE
Community Orgs and Non-ProfitsFREE

Member Benefits

BenefitsCharter LevelsConsortium Levels
Members Meetings and Member-Exclusive Events
Technical Project Participation
Visibility through TEAM TN Communications
Fewer than 50 employees
Access to Education and Workforce Development Programs
Collaboration and Networking through workshops, webinars, seminars and working groups
Awareness of future local, state, and national needs and trends
Access to consortium developed intellectual property for R&D
Access to members-only data and resources
Serve on TEAM TN advisory and working groups
Direct Participation in Governance of Resources
Lead project teams in TEAM TN project calls
Access to new project funding and cost-share
Priority Influence over R&D Project Selection
Royalty free use of consortium developed IP for commercialization
Hold Governance board seat
Gain priority placement of interns or fellows from TEAM TN institutions
Opportunity to embed employees at TEAM TN partner facilities